Why You Should Be Using Twitter's Hashtags (Repost)

Originally posted on the KW Blog when I was their PR & Social Media Manager
Whether or not you use Twitter to actively tweet, no one can deny that what once began as a niche phenomenon for a few enthusiasts has become a great source of information for all. And even if don’t want to tweet, you can always sign up for an account and just listen in on the conversation to understand the tool.
For example, during Family Reunion, our associates used Twitter to share what they were learning and experiencing at the event with people who couldn’t be there and each other. Quotes, links, facts and observations were tweeted from the event and were grouped together by adding #kwfr hashtag to tweets about the event.
For example:
@kwri: Just attended a great session on listing foreclosures! Can’t wait for Mo’s Inspirational Brunch tomorrow! #kwfr”
So, what does #kwfr mean and why should you use a hashtag if tweeting while at an event or about specific subject?
The purpose of using hashtags (#) on Twitter is to make it simple for people to search for tweets with a common topic. So essentially, people who couldn’t attend Family Reunion were still getting access to a small snippet of the best real estate training through Twitter! When using hashtags, you want to try to keep them short, because they do use up your precious 140 characters.
To find a specific topic, go to your “home” page on Twitter and type a keyword or hashtag into the “search” bar at the top of the page. This will bring up all tweets tagged with that specific hashtag and topic. Here is an article with more information on hashtags: http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/49309.
Remember your hashtags and spread the word for KW events! And, don’t forget to follow KWRIMAPS Coaching and KWRI News on Twitter !
Mega Camp: #kwmc
Masterminds: #kwmm
Family Reunion: #kwfr
MAPS Coaching: #MAPS #MAPSCoaching
RED Day: #kwred #redday
Keller Williams Realty: #kwri #kw #kellerwilliams #profitshare #KWCommercial #KWWorldwide #KWCares

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